SPG blocks (sphenopalatine ganglion block) have time-tested efficacy and can provide prompt and often sustained relief of pain associated with headaches, facial pain, dental pain, and neuralgia including conditions such as:
• Migraines
• V1 Frontal Lobe Headaches
• Occipital Neuralgia
• Post Concussion Headaches
• Cluster Headaches
• Ice Pick Headaches
The SphenoCath® device is a one-of-a-kind patented, soft, flexible, catheter through which a medical professional can deliver medication through the nasal passages to several difficult-to-reach ganglia (a group of nerve cells) in the face and head without needles, sprays, swabs or sedation for maximum patient comfort.
Benefits of using the SphenoCath® device in an SPG Block Procedure:
2 to 5 minute in-office procedure
Majority of patients experience immediate relief
Very low risk
Very high success rates
Safe for adults and children
Reimbursed by most insurance companies & Medicare


SphenoCath® Benefits for Physicians